Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions

Another sold out show!


The Bellamy Brothers performed at the Sumter Opera House on February 15, 2014.


Tickets were sold out, leaving the Sumter Oprea house packed!




Some of the songs that were performed are:

"Let Your Love Flow"

"Redneck Girl"

"If I Said You Had a Beutiful Body (Would You Hold it Against Me?)"



With a special guest appearance by Road Tripp.










The Bellamy Brothers
Site Improvements
Children's Miracle Network
Feb. 15, 2014 Sept. 9th, 2013 May 29th, 2014
The Bellamy Brothers will be playing at the Sumter Opera House on February 15, 2014. Some minor and major changes have been implemented to the website. Guardian Productions is proud to be apart of the Children's Miracle Network!