Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions Guardian Productions

Another great show!


The Confederate Railroad rocked the house on April 25th at the Burnsville Town Center.




The Burnsville Town Center can be found at:

6 S Main St, Burnsville, NC 28714









Click here to view the show's location on Google Maps



Click here to visit the official Confederate Railroad website.



Click here to visit the official Confederate Railroad Facebook page.













Sam's Smoke-Off
Music Benefit
The Bellamy Brothers
June 8th, 2013 Sept. 13th, 2013 Feb. 15, 2014
Sam's Smoke-Off will be taking place on June 8 at the Hickory Fairgrounds. A musical benefit for Kelsy Teague at the Country Music Bar featuring three bands: Ballistic Karma, JJL, TNT. The benefit was a smashing success that hosted over 200 atendees. The Bellamy Brothers will be playing at the Sumter Opera House on February 15, 2014.